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Quarter expectations all Doral Academy Key Clubbers are expected to fulfill


-Must attend all meetings per quarter and participate in club activities

-Quarterly requirements: 15+ hours, 1 drive, 1 fundraiser

-Athlete and Scholar quarterly requirements: 10+ hours, 1 drive, 1 fundraiser

- Abide by the Key Club pledge and be a good representative of

my club, school, and community. 


Make sure that by the end of the month you have all your hours signed off by Ms. Suarez,

and once your Community Service Form is completed you need to submit it to your counselor

--You can watch the step-by-step video of where to find the form

and how to fill it out correctly where it says "Volunter Hours Form"--



-Must complete their 50 hours, 2 drives, 2 fundraisers by December 31st

in order to receive the senior stole


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